Sunday, August 21, 2011

Back to blogging

Writing is my opium of life. I have at times million of lucid imagination circling in the symmetrical hemisphere of my brain that I want to scribble these thoughts into words, be it about situations, events, and people. Lately, I have not been blogging after I wrote an article about my good buddy, Dennis Jan De Guzman. Actually, my desktop computer got screwed. It took my son a pain to have it repaired with a par value service and have to connect the Smart Internet. And oh we are ingratiated of the Sun’s internet service-it is too slow, like a turtle.  We cannot even have video streaming in Youtube. Besides, I have been assiduously engaging my time since I joined Frontrow Enterprise on March 31 with the end in view to reach my goal in January 2012. What is my goal? To become a millionaire. Maybe, I am laughing stock to the readers but when you want to achieve something, then, you have to have a goal setting because this will stir your engine to keep on pushing.

I guess it is time to be back to blogging again and feature people who have made a significant footstep in our lives. Watch for this.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Dennis Jan De Guzman capturing the moments

The first time I heard about Dennis was when I was in Quality Department. I read his name blasted in the email that said “CONGRATULATIONS DENNIS JAN DE GUZMAN TECHNICAL TRAINER".  It was one of a helluva congratulations!. My mind was spinning in angular momentum. His name reminded me of the funny cartoon character “Dennis the Menace” who would drive you crazy with his mavericks.  In this particular momentum, I asked a question who was this Dennis they were overwhelmingly congratulating.. The answer to my question was of course ambiguous since I was only talking to myself.  That question had become an impasse for me. I was engrossed at that time monitoring calls to beat the clock just to meet the quota.

 He was the tall, naive looking & conservative guy that I often encountered in the training department if ever I would conduct a call calibration and/or post activity. I would request him to turn on the projector (lol) and he diligently obeyed (I was too bossy!).  Oh my golly, I never decipher that the towering guy was Dennis. After few months of setting things in motion in Operations, our path crossed through Mike Merino.  I told myself; "oh so this is Dennis Jan De Guzman"! Oh you know I am a bummer! Albeit there are remarkably hundreds of people in Qualfon addressing me as “Mommy”, my cognitive ability to memorize names is extremely poor.  That is the lopsided part of me- my brain screwed!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


It is like a house of carousel being in Operations.  I am a cunning device being thrown from one Shift Manager to another in a four (4) months time. I am walking like a rabbit on the floor bracing myself up most of the time with hundreds of demands and shenanigans. I am boiling in a hot water but still I would soak myself with a cold water to maintain my equanimity of the mind. There are gloomy periods that run down my veins that sometimes I feel like a royal bitchy pushing my ass to the limits. The best description of me is subterfuge....Despite of this doomsday in my head and the gloomy period, I can see nuts of fruitcakes in my Sup Buddies. I am throwing my dice in a day that I can put a nutshell of them in my pineal mind.

I want to explore them (forgive my language if you mistakenly interpreted this with a nasty mind). By exploring, I want to say something about them. I start the ball rolling and whoever can catch up with it...Good!.

I call her "Sassy Girl" in my own layman's man term. She is always searching for the right guy so I say it will come in a right time like a falling rain and in a right place. She is peppy woman and born to be hilarious at times oblivious to her.  She can throw puns that makes us laugh yet there is some kind of haughtiness in her. I did not say naughty, guys...I said haughty- a sense of stubbornness in her.Wish her luck with her quest for her "Prince Charming". Maybe he is just around the corner. Oh right beside her. Jejeje!