Sunday, September 19, 2010


Gee, I am skirmish today. I don’t exactly know how to start writing an article for this new blog of mine. Well, I want to share a story how in the world I got a job in Qualfon.  It was scourging summer heat in 2006 and the hot breeze of the wind could blow your mind away if you were one of the applicants.  Even though it was 8:00 am, I was perspiring. I was nervous and my body was shaking. We were like tiny ants piling in front of the Ingenious Internet Café waiting for  phone simulation and interview.  Funny, among the applicants, I knew I had a poker face. Why? Because of the small cacophonous talk that I heard I could not understand anything so I zipped my mouth. Even now, I could not speak straight Cebuano to my chagrin.  When I saw Angel and  Victor, I told myself, OMG! I don’t know how to speak English with American accent (only to realize later on that they are Mexicans ).  I believe that out of something 50 applicants, we all made and endorsed for training.

We undergo training for 2 weeks ( Mommy Delia, Rosemarie, Yin2, Venus, Aileen, Camille, Mary (chubby one) Mary Catane (petite of a  kind), Edj, Bryan, Florence, Ann, Jinky,  Virgie, Marissa. Who were the others? I almost forgot. Just remind me so I can add the names here.  Our trainer was Brent Garlock- a comedian, stage actor, trainer or whatever you called him.  He was a laser beam. He was clothed with myriad of humors to the point his trainees would die  laughing.  Humors were kinda figurative speech. . I wonder if that was the standpoint of an underground man.  Of course, there was Nacho (Ignacio Vanini). He was a perfect Ichabod Crane not because he was thin but kind of strict and cool.  I thought that he would marry a Filipina and live happily ever after like  fairy tale story. Well, he flew home 2 years ago. There were Nick, Pablo, Mathias who  shared their skills and knowledge about the account. Oh, I am  not name dropping here. I forgot names of others.

During our time, there were only 2 clusters of cubicles, and then slowly occupied the whole 6th floor of Skyrise 1. Then after a year it expanded to 7 floor and the rest was history, to make the story short.  Qualfon now landmarks the fast growing BPO in Cebu City. It occupies almost 8 floors of the Skyrise 3. Literally, it is like a retrovirus killing the immune system, meaning the  expansion  is rapid. The moment you look around, whose behind you- you can know longer name names except for those that you had acquainted in a team.  I have noticed that there are thousands of new faces. Mostly of the populace belong to younger generations.  There is one additional account, the Touch Commerce and there is one account coming to town, the way I heard from the grapevine. Quafon spread it wings up to Dumaguete where it is manned by competent staff who hails mostly from Cebu.

In Qualfon, it is like competing in a track and field.Those who have hurdled the race, won the competition. I am now 4 years in Qualfon. It is tough really. I have been taking calls from TSR, Walmart, CRT, SS/ST and Number Portability.  I have been like a ball, being tossed, bouncing up and down.  Until I decided one day for career advancement.  From Quality, now I am in Operations with much fulfillment. When you work the hard way and able to pass through the eye of the needle, it is really fulfilling.

 For those who stayed long in Qualfon for 4 years like me has indeed  hurdle the competitive race. It is tough to go to the top. For those who are 4 years old in Qualfon-KUDOS! Like the song Pyramid,  to the top Qualfon. Earthquakes can't shake us.Cyclones can't break us. Hurricanes can't take away our love.

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