Saturday, January 22, 2011


Dennis Jan De Guzman capturing the moments

The first time I heard about Dennis was when I was in Quality Department. I read his name blasted in the email that said “CONGRATULATIONS DENNIS JAN DE GUZMAN TECHNICAL TRAINER".  It was one of a helluva congratulations!. My mind was spinning in angular momentum. His name reminded me of the funny cartoon character “Dennis the Menace” who would drive you crazy with his mavericks.  In this particular momentum, I asked a question who was this Dennis they were overwhelmingly congratulating.. The answer to my question was of course ambiguous since I was only talking to myself.  That question had become an impasse for me. I was engrossed at that time monitoring calls to beat the clock just to meet the quota.

 He was the tall, naive looking & conservative guy that I often encountered in the training department if ever I would conduct a call calibration and/or post activity. I would request him to turn on the projector (lol) and he diligently obeyed (I was too bossy!).  Oh my golly, I never decipher that the towering guy was Dennis. After few months of setting things in motion in Operations, our path crossed through Mike Merino.  I told myself; "oh so this is Dennis Jan De Guzman"! Oh you know I am a bummer! Albeit there are remarkably hundreds of people in Qualfon addressing me as “Mommy”, my cognitive ability to memorize names is extremely poor.  That is the lopsided part of me- my brain screwed!

Hunky Dennis
Dennis was born on January 26. I don't know the year exactly. Let's us keep this as classified information. He didn't know that I'll be posting an article about him on the occasion of his birthday.   Somewhere along the road, I guess he is just in his twenties, early or late. Mine is a good guess and what about your guess? That is a million dollar question that I put on your head.  According to the stars and constellation, Dennis  falls under the zodiac sign Aquarius (I would rather stick to the old astrology). The Aquarius personality in the workplace is one with an office decorated with his own inventions.  He is a thinker more than a doer, and will tinker with everything until he finds a better way.  He does things unconventionally, to the consternation of his more traditional bosses, but he is well-liked in the workplace and treats everyone the same, from executive to mail room. No wonder, Dennis is more relatively of a quiet person and emotions are always in check and under control. I have never heard him spitting foul language about his colleagues and he meet criticisms and silly remarks with equanimity.  In most instances, he often indicates absence of wordiness. But if you dig deeper in his being, he has childlike and playful character.  I noticed that character when he interacts between, Mike Merino and Yuan Benitez. They are like  frolicsome “cats and dogs”.I am enthralled of the childlike in them.. Maybe because they  are one true blooded buddies. The circulation of their bloods and body movements are paralleled to each other, like in Physics.

Towering 175 centimeters, he can easily be recognized among the pandemonium of crowd in Qualfon.  Modesty aside, he has a good built-in feature, fair skin complexion and maybe intense personality.  He can be a model if he wish too with his towering height. Dennis earned his Bachelor of Science in Nursing at University of San Carlos. He joined Qualfon in 2007. If I am going to trace his track records in Qualfon, it will be a very long story. All I can say, he rose among ranks. The rest is history.

I have known Dennis for about 2 months time only. My description about him may not set a vivid picture of him so I find a way to interview his true blooded buddies. So here are their comments:

Mike Merino
Dennis is one friend who is down to earth or has a pragmatical mind of accepting the facts of life as what they are. He is more of reserved in manner but has a generous heart who is willing to share whatever he has. He is also family oriented and God-fearing.

Yuan Benitez
I met Dennis in 2008. I find him "super bait" (kind-hearted person). He can easily forgive whatever mistakes you made, big or small. His favorite sports is Volleyball. He hates eating spicy foods but crave for sweets especially chocolates.  He has great passion for Jag pants and T-shirt. He goes to color white or black and also blue and green.


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