Sunday, August 21, 2011

Back to blogging

Writing is my opium of life. I have at times million of lucid imagination circling in the symmetrical hemisphere of my brain that I want to scribble these thoughts into words, be it about situations, events, and people. Lately, I have not been blogging after I wrote an article about my good buddy, Dennis Jan De Guzman. Actually, my desktop computer got screwed. It took my son a pain to have it repaired with a par value service and have to connect the Smart Internet. And oh we are ingratiated of the Sun’s internet service-it is too slow, like a turtle.  We cannot even have video streaming in Youtube. Besides, I have been assiduously engaging my time since I joined Frontrow Enterprise on March 31 with the end in view to reach my goal in January 2012. What is my goal? To become a millionaire. Maybe, I am laughing stock to the readers but when you want to achieve something, then, you have to have a goal setting because this will stir your engine to keep on pushing.

I guess it is time to be back to blogging again and feature people who have made a significant footstep in our lives. Watch for this.