Sunday, September 19, 2010

Taking new innovation to Quality?

QA Guidelines was laid down by the Corporate office for the agents to adhere to correct phone etiquette and call handling. Basing on my experience, it is hard to master the guidelines. There are good calls. There are bad calls. The QA guidelines is like a Christian dogma. Whether you like it or not, agents must follow what was set forth to get high QA score. The target is 100%. I always told myself when I was an agent: "What was the use of getting 100% Miami score when we cannot provide customer satisfaction, when we cannot give appropriate resolution to frustrated customers?" This question has been boggling me until I stepped into the wing of Quality. No matter what it takes, we have to follow the mantra of quality. Not only that but the semantics in quality. Several ideas and approaches have been introduced that redound for Quaflon Cebu to be number one call center in all Tracfone call  centers worldwide. This is a big accomplishment for being on the top for 2 years. .  I could see Janyvie, Michelle, Dennis & other QA supervisors wangling and wrestling  to maintain high score for the center. The only lacking is the reward for their greatness and boldness in doing their assigned tasks.

Despite of the guidelines, there can be bottom line that can be incorporated. Teaching agents to AIDA approach. Getting the attention, interest, desire and action of the doer, which is the customer.  This is a difficult approach because one has to study the language of persuasion. This is approach is only use in advertisements and slogans.  The projection of image to the customer by the tone of the voice and  the intensive knowledge of the product. I believe this is kind of approach is applicable to those agents who are taking escalation calls.  How to incorporate the approach to QA guidelines is a big question.This needs thorough study.

Customers are benefit seekers and we are benefit promiser Customers will demand more when they get less.


Gee, I am skirmish today. I don’t exactly know how to start writing an article for this new blog of mine. Well, I want to share a story how in the world I got a job in Qualfon.  It was scourging summer heat in 2006 and the hot breeze of the wind could blow your mind away if you were one of the applicants.  Even though it was 8:00 am, I was perspiring. I was nervous and my body was shaking. We were like tiny ants piling in front of the Ingenious Internet Café waiting for  phone simulation and interview.  Funny, among the applicants, I knew I had a poker face. Why? Because of the small cacophonous talk that I heard I could not understand anything so I zipped my mouth. Even now, I could not speak straight Cebuano to my chagrin.  When I saw Angel and  Victor, I told myself, OMG! I don’t know how to speak English with American accent (only to realize later on that they are Mexicans ).  I believe that out of something 50 applicants, we all made and endorsed for training.

We undergo training for 2 weeks ( Mommy Delia, Rosemarie, Yin2, Venus, Aileen, Camille, Mary (chubby one) Mary Catane (petite of a  kind), Edj, Bryan, Florence, Ann, Jinky,  Virgie, Marissa. Who were the others? I almost forgot. Just remind me so I can add the names here.  Our trainer was Brent Garlock- a comedian, stage actor, trainer or whatever you called him.  He was a laser beam. He was clothed with myriad of humors to the point his trainees would die  laughing.  Humors were kinda figurative speech. . I wonder if that was the standpoint of an underground man.  Of course, there was Nacho (Ignacio Vanini). He was a perfect Ichabod Crane not because he was thin but kind of strict and cool.  I thought that he would marry a Filipina and live happily ever after like  fairy tale story. Well, he flew home 2 years ago. There were Nick, Pablo, Mathias who  shared their skills and knowledge about the account. Oh, I am  not name dropping here. I forgot names of others.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


He was clad with black outfit, a congenial smile and speaking eyes-that was the memory of him titillating in every corners of my mind when I first met him. .  That was 2006 when Qualfon was first impregnated in Cebu  in Skyrise I with only few agents taking calls. He was always there in the entrance 6th floor  with a big smiling face. There was a strong aura in him that could magnetize people. What I was implying was her charisma.