Sunday, December 12, 2010


I am not impeccable……I have maybe numbers of waterloos that I am fighting out to overcome. I have thousands of disturbing imaginations in my thoughts. They are playing in the whirlwind of my mind.  Nobody can reach them. They are just there I am making fancy of myself. Sometimes these thoughts and lucid imaginations make me laugh, make me cry, make me frustrated, upset and depressed. Who understands anyway? Who cares?  Yet I am still within the limits of my sanity. Whoever touches my tiny soul- I will have a life time rapture.

Between wake and sleep cycle, I can say that I have 3-4 hours of sleep. I have sleeping disorder and my insomnia is killing me to death.  Can’t really get enough sleep. I often seize the night –carpe noctem! -  when I ought to be sleeping and dream of things where my imagination leads me—either to the world of nowhere, the world of nightmare or to the fantasy of naughtiness…hahahaha  I am a woman of mischief but those are all in the mindset.

When I wake-up between dusk and dawn, I feel giddy. I want to sleep more and curl my body and continue dreaming again but the alarm clock of my cell phone keeps on snoozing as though telling me; “you lazy bum, pick up your ass and get a bath.”  My timid body obeys what my mind dictates. Guess what? It took me 30 minutes to compose myself inside the bathroom. Once the cold stream of water dripping all over me, I come back to reality that I must report to work. 

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I love to write about people and the magnitude of their personality but I am not a psychologist who studies human mind and character. Mine is base on a mere personal acquaintances and friendship so to speak. It reminds me of the saying of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: "Lives of great men all remind us, we can make our lives sublime, and, departing, leave behind us, footprints on the sands of time."