Saturday, December 4, 2010


I love to write about people and the magnitude of their personality but I am not a psychologist who studies human mind and character. Mine is base on a mere personal acquaintances and friendship so to speak. It reminds me of the saying of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: "Lives of great men all remind us, we can make our lives sublime, and, departing, leave behind us, footprints on the sands of time."

I came to know Cesar in 2009. We were at the same team  (Team Joel) sometime in June 2009 when straight talk was  first launched by Tracfone in pre-selected Walmart stores.  He was full of humorous stories to the point that we would die out laughing. He would share her funny experiences in between taking calls.  The struggles he had to meet for survival and won victoriously the impediments. I think we were the nosiest team that time. Our laughs, our stories were echoing at the 7th floor of  Skyrise I. In those times straight talk was not that queued so we had great time sharing our own stories. When straight talk was fully launched in October 2009,  things were never the same again. Our lives were so preoccupied. Our calls had 20 seconds interval. I remembered I could hardly breathe! The frustrations of irate customers sounded like a cymbal to me.  The moment I realized we were thrown to different directions. The moment I opened up my eyes Qualfon was soaring high so have to move to  Skyrise 3. Then the moment I learned Cesar was in Quality Department already. Those were the days to reminisce, the good old days! The good old days always leave footprints on the sands of time.

Cesar  was born under the Zodiac sign Virgo. Virgo is describe to be a person that works hard to stability, humble and has the ability to work behind scenes, without complaining. This description of a Virgo reflects the personality of Cesar. Virgo may worry constantly about work: "What if they don't need me anymore?" "What if I make a mistake?" These are constantly the questions that befuddle the mind of a Virgo. When I made an interview with him about two (2) weeks ago, his perception about his life was more of quo vadis.  Or where am I going? 

Cesar finished his studies in 2006 with a college degree of AB Mass Communication  He earned her degree at  Leyte Normal University.  He came to Cebu to find a greener pasture in 2007 and luckily he was employed as TSR in Qualfon on July 2, 2007. Cesar then tried his luck to apply as Quality Assurance Analyst. He did not make it first but failures did not stop his spirit but "spirited away" to try again applying for the position. With his perseverance, he made it as QAA in September 21, 2009. Five months later, he was promoted to Operations Supervisor. By the twist of fate, we meet again in the Operations Department. I am glad too see him leveraging his self  in the Operations Department. Somehow, he had proven that he could surmount any obstacles in pursing his dreams and it was worth struggling for. Success can only be earned with perseverance and the right outlook in life. Most of all, I am happy to see his wings still intact albeit he gain a prestigious position in company. What I mean to say, his head did not get big.

It was a free willing interview with Cesar but in some of the conversations I dig more into his personal life and his opinion of being a gay. I thought at first that he would get offended because I was too frank and I had reached his borderline  and he would blew his temper. I was kinda exuberant when he pragmatically answered my questions. Touching a topic of homosexuality could be so offensive at times when question being asked was more on "character assassination." but I always have high respect for people in my workplace.

Here is the excerpt of that interview

Me:  How do you feel being a gay?
Cesar: I am an open minded person. I view things equally without discrimination. Without going beyond limits and not going beyond the freedom of others.
Me: Tell me about yourself?
Cesar: I am a jolly person, seldom speaks bad things. Weak about love but desperate. I am soft hearted and my ego can be touch easily. I am also weak in decision making.
Me: What are your likes and dislikes?
Cesar: Likes: going to place for adventure. Dislikes: aristocratic, boastful and liar persons.
Me: Words to live by?
Cesar: Be yourself and do not feign affection.
Me. What is your great achievement?
Cesar: I see myself fulfilled especially in decision making and viewing my life in a positive way.
Me: If you are going to write a love story, what should be the story?
Cesar: Everyday in love and desperately looking for the right person but cannot find it.
Me: What are your challenges as Operations Supervisor?
Cesar: The behavior side of the agents and  the responsibility to deal with the agents and the team as well.
 Me: Lastly, what can you say about Qualfon?
Cesar: Qualfon is a growing company and full of potentials.
Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac is concerned with:

* self-perfection, critical faculties
* altruism, honesty, responsibility
* cleanliness, hygiene, health, healing
* efficiency, daily routines, reliability
* strength of character, veiled sensuality
* service, hard work, passivity, modesty
* incisive communication, shrewd logical thought

Your element: Earth

Your ruling planets: Mercury

Symbol: The Virgin

Your stone: Sapphire

Life Pursuit: To do the right thing

Vibration: Compassionate and caring

Virgo's Secret Desire: To love and be loved in return

Elemental Quality
Virgo is the mutable earth sign of the zodiac, indicating adaptable practicality. It can be likened to a semi-shaded patio which has been adapted to make a garden filled with a great variety of plants, climbers, and an arbor. Half-hidden, here and there, are garden chaise longues with rich patchwork covers, bottles of homemade organic wines, and other unexpected practical delights.

Spiritual Goal
To learn to discriminate between destructive criticism and simple wisdom.

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