Saturday, October 23, 2010

Charice in concert with DF & friends

I discovered this little girl way back 2006. She was one of the contestants in Little Big Star singing competition. She was almost there but got 3rd place though she gave it all. Sam Concepcion was the grand winner. She lost in text votes. I am talking about Charice Pempengco. She almost gave up her dreams when she lost in Little Big Star until a stranger aka False Voice posted her jaw dropping performance in Korea in The rest  was history.  Now, Charice is the first Asian singer to top the Billboard with her song “Pyramid” and the only Filipino to capture the international scene and Hollywood. David Foster described her as the wallop of Whitney Houston and Celine Dion. She is under the wing of David Foster and powerful media mogul, Oprah Winfrey.

Singing to Beyonce's Dream Girls "Listen" her co-stars was stupefied of her rendition and much more loved by people from all walks of life. Even the Director Ryan Murphy of Glee got goosebumps. When Charice audition for Glee, Dir. Murphy commented, "when she starts opening her mouth, angel fly from her little body.  I am have to admit that I am a big fan of Charice since 2006. What I like about her is that she can sing ballad, R n B, pop and  she can mimic too like the voice of Justin Bieber. Oh god! she is so versatile.

Check out  these videos of  David Fosters and friends concert in Las Vegas, Nevada; Japan and Manila. Charice received the longest standing ovation and round of applause of her rendition of Celine Dione  and Whitney Houston songs. Charice continue raising our Philippine Flag. She is a singing diva powerhouse! I am so unlucky, I can't see Charice sing in person. The tickets so expensive. I will contend to the video that I can grab in youtube.

*powerhouse-One that possesses great force or energy
*wallop-The capacity to create a forceful effect ex."Therein lies the novel's emotional wallop and moral message"

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