Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Legacy of the Underground Man

All I could hear were the
resounding joys and laughter
and then they vanished like

smoke slipping skyward

Then I tried to memorize lines
to describe him but my thoughts
dwindle with the ebb
of the tide in the ocean
I love u Jollibee :)
I am not talking about Fyodor Dostoevsky, the author of the book The Underground Man, a very complex story that deals of the emotional thought of a person. What I mean of the “Underground Man” was our trainer, Brent Garlock way back in 2006 when Qualfon was being conceived in Cebu and one of  the pillars in Qualfon.  I chose this title for my blog because he is an avid reader of The Underground Man. I only know him by name and numbers but not in totality. He has a private life of his own that we need to respect.

I wrote an article about him on the occasion of his 35th birthday last year, in coincidence with the Twin Tower bombing on 9/11/2003  in my other blog that made the world upside down . Let me just quote it here:

On the top of the world
“January, February, March, April........September 11. Time has wings like a seagull flying fast in the mid air with all her strength. Or like a night unfolding its beauty beyond our imagination. Then, comes a day playing laughter with the rain. So almost every year, a year is added to our age. Fine lines too. Then facing life again with many uncertainties.”

“I met him in May 16, 2006 along with the other trainees. He was our trainer for Tracfone account. One thing that struck me in those heydays of training he could memorize our names in one day by repetition. He had a funny bone too. He could stir jokes and humors during his class so we don't feel sleepy. I laughed with the jokes.”

He is beyond description……his ideas are spontaneous even the last time we met him in September 2008. He is a laser beam…his words are free-flowing.  He is no longer connected with Qualfon. He is now with other company based in Global City, Taguig.  I have not heard from him either. He is so immersed with his present position.  Wherever he goes, his legacy in terms of sharing his knowledge to us will be cherished. I am sure he will be happy to hear that his “kids”have climbed the corporate ladder of Qualfon.

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