Sunday, October 17, 2010

My First Team

My first team-ST New Hires

Look at them, full of hope
I was still in the Quality Department when my QA Sup Dennis informed me that I’ll be endorsed to Operations as Ops Supervisor effective 23 August 2010 and be handling ST new hires. With all the struggles, extending hours (which was beyond the prescribed working hours) to meet the quota and queued paper works, It was a blitzkrieg surprise for me. I was not expecting it! I wanted to slap my face and say: “Hey, am I dreaming?” That was too fast of a promotion but promotion means, increase in responsibilities and interacting directly to the agents.

It was one hell of challenging role when I met my first team on 23 August. They were all young, aggressive and restless. I felt like a matriarch gripping and guiding them under my control. It took me about three weeks to memorize their names and familiarize with their faces. I am poor in memorizing names. Hahaha gee I am growing old I bet. 
Hmm Rose among the thorns

Those bulging eyes! Jampacked inside the elevator like sardines

So, what is like to me an Ops Supervisor?  It is delivering your responsibilities excellently worthy of emulation, in general statement. On the contrary,  Ops Supervisor is just a title, a nomenclature in layman’s term. For me, I feel I am just like an agent. I don’t like this position to get my head big and my butt. 

My first set of agents feel maybe that I am strict, a martinet or whatever but I only want the best for them and to succeed and grow with the company. I always believe that whatever call center you work or any company you work, as long as you have the right attitude and dedication, you will succeed.

My first team is bunch of  super duper talented agents who are willing to learn more about less and less. What I mean to say, “Jack of all trades, master of all.” I  continue to hope that they will listen to my scoldings. I want to make most out of them.

Meaning of blitzkrieg (n) - A swift, sudden military offensive, usually by combined air and mobile land forces. Example: blitzkrieg strike of lightning.