Sunday, October 24, 2010


Pa cute
Who doesn't know Art Jos? Oh common guys, he is a famous persona in Qualfon. When you come across a peppy chubby - chubby guy (I hate to describe him as "fat".  Chubby is cute in all essence of terminologies!) with great butt and bingo, a frustrated diva. Hahaha I am drawing a line all that I figure out about Art. Truly, he has an amazing voice. He can sing like a real macho guy and a wannabe perfect female diva.  He only needs to show off this talent.

 I was persistent last week that I'll feature him in my blog. I had a chance to interview him. It was a short lived interview, not ambushed. Life in the call center is fast pace race and few pit stops. When there is a pit stop, it is a one-hour break then back to usual mode.

Submerged in body of water.
Art earned his Bachelor of Science Secondary Education major in Physical Education, Health & Music on March 24, 2003 at Notre Dane of Marvel University, City of Koronadal, Mindanao. He was a PEHM instructor the way I understand when he shifted his career to a call center agent.  The way I can see, he is more comfortable working in a call center environment rather than a teacher.   He is simpatico- a darling sweet. No wonder he gained many friends.

From an agent he joined the league of mentors sometime in May. It was for a week then he was promoted to Technical Trainer. With his past experience as a teacher, he had edge to be a trainer. It was only a week too as Technical Trainer then moved to operations as Ops Supervisor. I was befuddled to hear that he had given-up as Technical Trainer and rather opted as Ops Supervisor. Last Saturday (October 23), I asked him the question why he chose the path of Ops Supervisor to enlighten my confused mind. Art told me that he finds the position more challenging and fulfilling. Adding too, that he don't like to be prisoner in the four walls of the training room. He had his own reason that we need to respect.  When asked what he sees his self in the next 1 year. He lamented; “Il see myself as Shift Manager”. So art good luck to your quest!!!! Hit that position with bulls eye.