Friday, October 29, 2010


I could hear  girls talk almost everyday, be it in the pantry, elevator or in every corners of our workplace. I could hear them giggle and say:  OMG!, he is handsome, cute, attractive, sexy, gorgeous, etc. Even from gays I could hear them scream . This is a natural phenomenon:  law of attraction. By law of attraction, I’m not simply referring to  think many possibilities that one can make most of  his life. . What I mean here, is the attraction of women to their opposite sex or vice versa. Women gets edgy when they are attracted to man. When a woman is extremely attracted to a man, does he find a way to meet that man or just meeting the man in their wildest fantasy?

Here are simple  ideas that you can meet  a man. 

Admire His Sense of Style
When you spot a looker, tell him "That shirt/jacket/sweater looks awesome on you." He probably spends some time picking his outfits on the weekends. Getting style props will give him a confidence boost and make him want to keep talking to you.
Join His Cheering Section
Hit a sports bar the next time a game is on. Wear a tee with the logo of the team you’re cheering for, and sit near a guy rooting for the same team. You can connect over your shared fandom.

Add Him to Your Photo Album
Ask a hot guy to take a photo while you’re out with friends. After he shoots, suggest he jump in. Look over the photos together, and get his e-mail address so you can send him the pictures.

Invite Him to Escort You
Tell a cutie on the street you’re lost, and ask him how to get somewhere (in the direction he’s heading). Ask if he’d walk you there. Then before saying bye, suggest you thank him with a cup of joe.

Make Him Your Target
If you have outdoor plans with friends, take a Nerf football. When a cute guy walks by, throw it at him—just don’t peg him in the head. When he brings it over, ask him to join the game.

Make Him Your Target
If you have outdoor plans with friends, take a Nerf football. When a cute guy walks by, throw it at him—just don’t peg him in the head. When he brings it over, ask him to join the game.

Ask Him to Be Your Style Expert
Go to a men’s clothing store, and start browsing the racks near a cute guy. Flash him a smile, tell him you’re looking for a gift for your brother/cousin/dad, and ask if he’d help you pick something out

Pay Attention to Detail
When it comes to meeting men, it helps to have something specific to talk about. The next time you see a hot dude on the weekend, look for a clue to his personality before starting a conversation. For example, if he’s wearing a NASCAR cap, approach him with "I noticed your hat. Are you into racing?" It’s an opener that seems natural, not contrived. Plus, he’ll feel comfortable around you because you’re talking about something he really gets.

Take Him Out For a Drink
Order two different drinks at the bar. Take one over to a cute guy, tell him the bartender messed up your order, and ask him if he’d like it. Then use the opportunity to strike up a conversation.

Make Him Your Workout Buddy
Scope out a hottie at the gym. When he starts using a strength-training machine, ask to alternate reps with him. Compliment his triceps, then ask him to show you which exercises he does to keep so toned.

Perform a Background Check
When you spot a sexy guy at a bar or lounge this weekend, don’t go up to him—approach his wingman instead. Pull his buddy aside and say "What’s the story on your friend? He’s hot." If he’s a good guy, he’ll be happy to oblige. Listen up as he gives you the inside scoop on his pal, then excuse yourself to use the restroom or buy a drink and let the wingman work his magic. Chances are, your flattered target will make his way into your territory.

Ask Him to Unleash His Inner Emeril
Notice a cutie while shopping at a fancy food store? Lightly touch his shoulder and say "I’m working on a cheese platter for a little get-together at my place tonight. Any types you’d suggest?" Even if he’s not a connoisseur, he’s bound to have a few favorites. Keep the convo going by asking what he’s up to tonight.

Mistake His Identity
Tap a cute guy on the shoulder. When he turns, feign surprise and exclaim "I thought you were [insert random boy name]!" Then bond over the fact that you fake-know his back-of-head twin.

Join His Team
At the beach or park with pals, find a spot near a group of guys playing soccer, Frisbee, or volleyball. After a few minutes, wander over and ask the hottest of the bunch if you can all join in.

Add Yourself to His 'Recent Calls' List
Pretend you can’t find your cell phone and ask a cute guy if he can help you out by calling your number. It’s a seamless convo starter and a sneaky way for you to give him your digits.

Source: Cosmopolitan 

*edgy-calm, composed, easy-going, laid-back

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