Friday, October 29, 2010


Comic picture of Dennis
In an ordinate anatomy of a man, he has doesn’t look muscular, with great abs, broad shoulder, big thighs but in quintessence of an ordinate anatomy of man, he surpass all these physical attributes. He is one kind of a great buddy!  This is the most important trait of a man rather than having those attributions when a man is one hell of a loose cranium in his head.

I told Dhenz ( I fondly called him by this nick) I wanted to write an article about him. He refused. I did not object! I did not argue! He said he has not achieved any accomplishment yet. My eyebrows met.  He was too humble. Too magnanimous! But then again I don’t like to make any circular arguments. He was right in his own way. So I make this to a point to write about him basing on my acquaintances with him.
I was one hell of a stupid person when I first stepped Quality.  I was not smart or brilliant! What happened in Quality was too fast for me to grasp (maybe the supervisors and QAs were young set of genius people.   I felt I was dumb, left behind by time) that I almost lost my equilibrium of the mind.  In my beleaguering mindset, I saw the light in Dennis.  He was just there embracing new QA’s in the Quality. Sharing his knowledge and skills, soliciting opinions and ironing issues and concerns. He was articulate in almost everything.  From QA guidelines, to cleanliness to orderliness at 12th floor. Do you know what the most special recipe he has?  Not chicken soups for the soul but root cause analysis. If you don’t know how to conduct RCA then better ask the assistance of Dennis. RCA is his masterpiece which is very crucial in determining the factor why an agent is being penalized by Miami.

Dennis is a big fan of mine. I cannot decipher why he became a big fan of mine. I am an ordinary woman with ordinary set of thinking and who lives a very ordinary life-just imbibed with my writing. Anyway, I am elated to hear that statement from him.  My heart has a quantum leap. Maybe I should built a fan club (^_^)

When I was criticized about my blog, he was the first one to defend me by shouting out in Facebook  that drew many perpendicular eye-raising  questions what had happened to me and why Dennis had to blow his horn. One helluva plot!  If you want to be famous, just shout out in Facebook. Your friends will start questioning you. In view of this shout out we became a star in one night stand. That was funny experience ever.

Dhenz is just there. A good friend of mine, Michelle, Janyvie and to anyone. Rolling into one, he is a great buddy,  but when the borderline is crossed, watch out, he can blow his horn.

I'd like to end this with a song from Celine Dion "Because You Love Me"

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me